A recent, peer-reviewed study tested the benefits of optimism and found measurable benefits to focused optimism: optimism that is specifically focused on one area of your life or a specific pursuit.  This makes intuitive sense. When you’ve got a positive outlook on something, it makes it easier to stay motivated, and the more motivated you are – well, what you focus on grows.

Focus on walking more.

Make it your tiny goal to walk around the block once a day, twice a day, three times. Park further from the grocery store. Think of the benefits of what you’re doing for your body. Do it again. Do it more. One tiny step at a time, knowing you can do it, knowing it will give you results — suddenly things are getting easier. You’re gaining energy, strength, confidence, and more.

Focus on eating healthy.

Make it your tiny goal to eat 2 healthy meals a day. Swap your chips and dip for carrots and hummus. Savor every bite, knowing you can do this, and knowing it will give you results. You start to find the healthy foods you enjoy. Eating healthy becomes a part of your routine, one that makes you feel lighter, more awake, and downright better overall.

Focus on getting organized.

Clean one room, or even just one surface, at a time. Start with the important things – cleaning up your sleeping space is a win, getting your bills paid is a win, making sure your medications are in order is a win. One thing at a time means one win at a time, and things just get better with each tiny step.

The trick is that you’re starting small, with goals you have good reason to be optimistic about. You’re focusing on what you CAN do, and how these tiny steps are going to get you where you want to be. If you feel like you can’t achieve your goals, reach out to your Health Advisor. Get connected to any resources you need, talk things out, whatever you need to do to refocus your energy on your daily success stories. Remember, what you focus on grows.

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